For students and postdoctoral fellows who are interested in our laboratory

Our laboratory aims to seamlessly understand how behavioral optimization works, from genomics to molecular, synaptic, neural networks, individual, behavior, and environmental interactions to evolution. We always welcome applicants who are interested in our topic, have experience with neuroscience and molecular biology techniques, and are interested in and willing to learn about the behavior of nematodes, insects, and small animals. Postdoctoral applicants must have an external budget.

Our laboratory started in 2023. We look forward to welcoming enthusiastic people who like new things and are willing to take on challenges together.



〒630-8506 奈良市北魚屋西町

Faculty Division of Natural Sciences

Nara Women's University

Kitauoya-Nishimachi, Nara, 630-8506, Japan

Copyright © Faculty Division of Natural Sciences